Thursday, 16 February 2012

calling out for your help.

as you may of guessed i am an acne sufferer!
i have had acne for about 4-5 years and i have found it hell the type of acne i have is blackheads and small sebum bumps, i do get pimples however i dont have many and they usually go the next day.

i have been using products for spots & blackheads for over 3 years and i have found that they are not very good when dealing with blackheads! i have used pore strips, face peels and loads of other products they just dont seem to work, the only way i can remove a blackhead is to squeeze it out resulting in red marks.

i went to my doctor about 1 month ago as i could not stand it any longer so my GP gave me a product called differin it is only 0.1% and it is a gel that you apply very sparingly at night and i can tell you at has been HELL, my GP told me that your acne may get worse before it gets better and as you can guess it did! outbreaks have become more common and have spread to areas where i have never had spots before, blackheads & blocked pores have become more common and they are larger and deeper my skin is just so damaged!

i have been using the product every other day and i am suffering from worse acne as well as itching, peeling & redness it is just hell i have stopped using the product after speaking to my next door neighbor who is a cosmetic surgeon he said to stop using the product as i am having bad effect!

after 3 days of not using the product my skin wont get better it is hell.

i will post some pictures later so you can see what i suffer with it is not spots it is blackheads &  blocked pores that dont seem to become unblocked!

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